Poesie e Canzoni


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[1] Music For The Last moments 39: Thomas Newman "The Shawshank Redemption""So Was R

[2] Music For the Last Moments 38:Thomas Newman "The Green Mile Main Theme"(1999). D

[3] Music For the Last Moments 37:Tangerine Dream "White Clouds"(1986). Dall'album "

[4] Music For the Last Moments 36:Philip Glass "Closing"(1982). Dall'album "Glasswor

[5] Music For the Last Moments 35:Tangerine Dream "Indian Summer"(1986) Dall'album "

[6] Cinema, uomini, e solitudini: "The German Doctor- Wakolda"(Argentina 2013) di Lu


[8] Music for The Last Moments 34: Tangerine Dream "Horizon"(1983). Dall'album Live

[9] Music for an (im)possible salvation 57: John Yager "Benson, Arizona". Dalla o.s.


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